student Campaign Program
student Campaign Program
- This is for 12-to-17-year old’s living in Caldwell, Idaho. Use your social media to influence adults, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc… To vote for Jarom!
Benefit: Add student campaign participant of a candidate for mayor to your resume, plus the chance to win a $50 Dutch Bros gift card each week for 6 weeks - How do you win the gift cards? Each video you post will need to have a specific HASHTAG and a WAGONER CAMPAIGN SIGN visible in the back of the video to qualify to win for the week.
- Every Saturday evening for 6 weeks at (9:00pm) we will identify the video with the most views for the Week. That person will receive a $50 dutch gift card!
- Post the videos to TikTok and instagram (and share them to Facebook). In the videos, be creative and funny; it could be a dance, make everyone laugh, explain why they should vote for Jarom Wagoner on Nov 2. Doing these funny videos will add followers to your account each week! See ideas attached here to include in your video.
- Week 1 (Sep 26 – Oct 2): Post a video with friends, inviting local teens in Caldwell to join Jarom’s student campaign. Our goal is to help him get elected mayor of Caldwell on Nov 2nd! Encourage them to visit for details on how to leverage their social influence to win $50 Dutch Bros gift cards each week until the election.
Video hashtag for week 1: #wagonerformayorweek1
- Questions: Message Marlee at 208-810-9932